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flux, КОМУ КАК



So now you're running
It's hard to see clearly
When I make you angry
You're stuck in the past

And now you're screaming
So can you forgive me?
I've treated you badly
But I am still here

Sometimes I wonder
Why I'm still waiting
Sometimes I'm shaking
That's how you make me
Sometimes I question
Why I am still here
Sometimes I think I am going crazy

Can you help me understand?
And now you wish that you meant something
And now you wish that you meant something to somebody else
And now you wish that you met someone
And now you wish that you meant something to somebody else

You look at me through clouded eyes
I know you see through my lies
See the sky, see the stars
All of this could be ours
Out of sight, out of mind
We've been through this a thousand times
Turn your back and then you make me feel so crazy

Can you help me understand?
And now you wish that you meant something
And now you wish that you meant something to somebody else
And now you wish that you met someone
And now you wish that you meant something to somebody else

You know I would wait forever
Yes, I would wait (I would wait)

You know I would wait forever
Yes, I would wait

And now you wish that you meant something
And now you wish that you meant something to somebody else
And now you wish that you met someone
And now you wish that you meant something to somebody else

And I'm the one that should mean something
But still you wish that you meant something to somebody else
Something to somebody else, something to somebody else



Мы шли дорогой горемык искать свою судьбу
В одной деревне на ночлег старик пустил в избу
Мы пили крепкий самогон - хозяин был к нам добр
Река бежала за окном, шумел сосновый бор

Я пью чуть больше чем могу, но меньше, чем хочу
Когда я пью, я не пою - я не пою, кричу
Hикто мне глотку не заткнет, не запретит мой пляс
Hо тут старик сказал: "Дай я" и начал свой рассказ

Иван был сказочно богат но не имел детей
Иван накрыл дубовый стол и пригласил гостей
Он переспал с одной вдовой - вдова сказала: "Жди
Теперь зима, я разрешусь когда пойдут дожди"

Иван счастливый захрапел, как красноармейский полк
Он крепко спал, когда во сне ему явился волк
Волк молвил: "Если хочешь дочь - брось голову в огонь,
Захочешь сына - так отдай мне правую ладонь
Hе будь упрямым как осел, будь чистым как слеза,
Hо знай - захочешь обмануть - вдова родит козла"

Сказав все это, волк исчез, Иван открыл глаза -
Вдова лежала на боку, поглаживая зад,
Иван напялил на себя ботинки и трусы,
Запряг трех быстрых вороных и кони понесли

Иван скакал четыре дня к кудыкиной горе
Там на горе жил друг Макар - весь в злате, серебре
Макар служил городовым и пропивал навар
Узнав о Ваниной беде, сказал: "Споймаем тварь"

Они расставили капканы вдоль лесных дорог
Попались лев, сова и заяц, но не попался волк

Друзья надыбали жратвы и ринулись в леса
Пока гонялись за волками - кончилась весна

Иван все лето пил вино, гуляя вдоль болот
Вдова сидела у окна и гладила живот
Однажды августовским днем, заслыша Ванин крик
Вдова схватила керосин и подожгла тростник

То был как есть условный знак - заполыхал пожар
Еще не наступил сентябрь, как прискакал Макар
Макар раздвинул камыши и глянул сквозь огонь
А там Иван без головы и где его ладонь

Макар ругнулся : "е-мое", но тихо, не со зла
Вдова не дождалась дождей и родила козла

С тех пор прошло двенадцать лет, Макар за взятки сел
Козла пустили в огород, и козлик окосел
Иван схоронен у болот - там тихо, ни души
И из груди его растут цветные камыши*

Старик закончил, тихо встал, открыл нам сеновал
Друзья заснули сей же час и только я не спал
Я думал, глядя на луну, что стало со вдовой
Всю ночь сквозь храп моих друзей я слышал волчий вой



If you find Strength in The Sea
Choke on the Waters of my Enemy
Its Time.

Time, To Show the Machines
How We all Breathe
Let Them Inside
To Manage our Dreams
Show the Machines

If you Find Strength in The Death
Of Innocents Bottle the Soul you Have Left
Its Your Time

Time, To Show the Machines
How We all Breathe
Let Them Inside
To Manage our Dreams
Find More lyrics at wwwsweetslyrics.com
A Chip on the Flesh
Well its My Circuitry
Let them Inside
To Manage our Dreams

Then I saw the Cuts on Your Arms
I Guess your Bored and you need to Bleed
Hari Kari Sideshows can Be So
Very Fucking Stupid
And I Saw the Streets Where We Played
Where Depression is Industry
And I Take my Hat off To
Anyone Whos ever Given More of a fuck Than Me



Разрезан на осколки,
Разбит на лоскуты,
Не пью и не курю
До наступленья темноты-

Лучше бы пил
И курил.

Мой друг не пьет и не курит,
Лучше бы пил и курил,
Держал бы дома что-нибудь такое,
Я бы чаще к нему заходил -

Лучше бы пил
И курил.

Мой босс не пьет и не курит,
Лучше бы пил и курил,
Куда-нибудь засунул свой проклятый немецкий
И по-русски заговорил, -

Лучше бы пил
И курил.

Мой президент не пьет и не курит,
Лучше бы пил и курил,
Возможно, от этого стало бы легче
Женщинам Южных Курил,-

Я не курил
И не пил,
Лучше бы пил
И курил,
Лучше бы пил
И курил...



Я тупо пролистываю все песни однако хд



На пороге
Нас оставит

На пороге не прокатит
Он глядит из-под кровати
На сегодня видно хватит

Ты сказала:
"Рики-Тики-Тави сдулся.
Что он видел? Чем он думал?"
Что ты мелешь, кофемолка?
Он сбежал из книжной полки
Он кричит из-под обломков

Никогда нас
Не оставит

Отключите все электрокофемолки
Я сбежал из книжной полки
Я кричу из-под обломков




Убей меня
Внезапно гаснет свет
Нервно курит балерина
В пачке сигарет
Солнце светит мимо кассы
Прошлогодний снег еще лежит
Все на свете из пластмассы
И вокруг пластмассовая жизнь

Тянутся хвосты

Миллиарды звезд сошли на нет
С тех пор как мы с тобой на ты

И дело вовсе не в примете
Только мертвый не боится смерти
Вдоль дорог расставлены посты

Возьми меня с собой

Беспощадно в небе светит солнце у тебя над головой

И снова мимо кассы
Тень забилась в угол и дрожит
Все на свете из пластмассы
И вокруг пластмассовая жизнь

Тянутся хвосты

Убей меня
За то, что я давно к тебе остыл…



This is an expedition,
Into the Arctic tundra!
This is a sick inhibition,
Just to spoil and plunder!

That's the sound of another door shutting in,
In the face of progress, in the face of progress.
No bounded flags, In this event,
Shackleton is rolling in his grave...
That's the sound of another door shutting in,
In the face of progress, in the face of progress.
No bounded flags, In this event,
Shackleton is rolling in his grave.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, we're all addicted the the most abusive, destructive drug
Of all time,
And I ain't talking about class A's – that'd be just miniscule when
And just like an addict desperate to get his next fix,
We resort to petty crimes to secure our next hit!

You know there's oil in the ice!
You know there's riot in my eyes!
You know there's blood on my hands!
Yeah! We're all addicted!
Yeah! We're all dependent!
That's maniac standpoint!
Psychotic outlook.
That's maniac standpoint!
Psychotic outlook.

That's the sound of another door shutting in,
In the face of progress, in the face of progress.
No bounded flags, In this event,
Shackleton is rolling in his grave...
That's the sound of another door shutting in,
In the face of progress, in the face of progress.
No bounded flags, In this event,
Shackleton is rolling in his grave.

So lemme get this straight; as we witness the ice-caps melt,

Instead of being inspired into changing our ways,

We're gonna invest into military hardware to find the remaining oil that
Left beneath the ice!

But what happens when it's all gone! You haven't thought this through,
Have you boys!

We'll take you down!
We'll take you down!
We'll take you down!
Stand your ground!

You know there's oil in the ice!
You know there's riot in my eyes!
You know there's blood on my hands!
Yeah! We're all addicted!
Yeah! We're all dependent!
That's maniac standpoint!
Psychotic outlook.
That's maniac standpoint!
Psychotic outlook.

Back to the drawing board boys,
Accept nothing short of complete reversal.
Yeah, but you can do it...
Yeah, dig deep!



Пой мне еще
В обратную сторону крутится магнитофон
В доме темно
Шорохи, скрипы
Сводят с ума

Кончился день
Не имеют значения цифры
На лепестки рассыпался мак

Пой мне еще
Заветную карту вытаскивать из

Рукава. Чайник кипит
Капля из крана
Падает вниз

Голос дрожит
Хлопнула дверь - это ветер
Держась за края
До размеров Вселенной
Сужая зрачки
На рубеже этих сумрачных тысячелетий
По горло в воде
На дрейфующей льдине ждут рыбаки

Ну так и пой мне еще
Что я могу изменить,
направляемый собственной тенью,
давным-давно предупрежденный о том,
что начиная обратный отсчет
любой, имеющий в доме ружье,
приравнивается к Курту Кобейну
любой, умеющий читать между строк,
обречен иметь в доме ружье

Пой мне еще
Я просто знаю
Что в последний момент,
Когда тебе никто не поверит
Прохожий на остановке возьмет
И укроет тебя под плащом
Дома задрожат при появлении трамвая
И когда откроются двери -
Пой мне еще
Пой мне еще




Здесь на земле ярки краски и звучны аккорды
Прямо на площади высится башенный кран
В башне сидит крановщица с улыбкой Джоконды
В небе летит самолет "Ленинград-Амстердам"

Бабушка вяжет носки непутевому внуку
Папа с работы картошки несет килограмм
Внук догрызает гранит, проклиная науку,
В небе летит самолет "Ленинград-Амстердам"

На глубине десять тысяч сомнительных метров
Над тем, кто забыл пристегнуться, колдуют врачи
Если ты знаешь чьи-то секреты -

Люди смеются, приветливо машут руками
Быстро танцуют, потом поднимают сто грамм
Там возле яркого солнца, сверкая крылами
В небе летит самолет "Ленинград-Амстердам"

Жизнь представляется мне заводной каруселью
Что будет крутиться, пока кто-то дернет стоп-кран
Там, за июльским дождем, за февральской метелью
В небе летит самолет "Ленинград-Амстердам"




Прочь из моей головы, наугад в темноту, c середины концерта,
Сквозь толпу, сквозь охрану, сквозь двери, сквозь парк,
Чтоб чуть-чуть постоять над водой на мосту.

Прочь из моей головы!
Здесь и так кавардак. Разбросав фотографии, выбросив вещи,
Уничтожив улики.
Все диски отправив в мусорный бак.

Прочь из моей головы!
Твой новый бойфренд пробил все пароли,
Вскрыл все твои ящики, прочитал мои письма к тебе.
Ни хуя себе! Ни хуя себе!

Прочь из моей головы!
Босиком, кувырком, с чемоданом в руке
Или без чемодана в руке – налегке, вдалеке
Пока я по тебе не проехал катком.

Прочь из моей головы!
Над Москвой на метле, через тернии к звездам.
С буквой «У» в левом верхнем углу,
В треугольнике равностороннем на заднем стекле.

Прочь из моей головы!
Оборвав провода, спутав карты, фигуры сметая с доски,
Разбивая шлагбаумы на полном ходу,
Оставляя разрушенными города.

Из моей головы, где сферой становится плоскость,
Где то горит фейерверк, то тлеет свечка из воска,
Где музыка Баха смешалась с полотнами Босха
И не дружат между собой полушария мозга.

Где крутится строчка одна днем и ночью :
«Вали из моей головы очень срочно»
И вместе с собой забери о тебе мои мысли,
Чтобы Богу не показалось что мы в этом мире слишком зависли.



Dès le premier jour
Ton parfum enivra mon amour
Et dans ces instants
J'aimerais être comme toi par moment
Mais depuis ce jour
Je n'ai qu'un seul et unique regret

My wing tips waltz across naive wood floors.
They creak innocently down the stairs.

Drag melody.
My percussive feet
Serve cobweb headaches
As a matching set of marching clocks.
The slumbering apparitions,
That they've come to wake up.

Here I am, composing a burlesque,
Out of where they rest their necks.
Sunken in their splintered cradles,
And ramshackle heads.
They ask for it.
As a girl, you have set your heart on
Haunting me forever from the start.
It's never silent.

Ever since we met,
I only shoot up with your perfume.
It's the only thing that makes me
Feel as good as you do.
Ever since we met,
I've got just one regret to live through.
And that one regret is you.

Who does a heart look
If no one has noticed its presence?
And where does it go?

Trembling hands play my heart like a drum,
But the beat's gotten lost in the show.

You have set your heart on
Haunting me forever from the start.
It's never silent.

Ever since we met,
I only shoot up with your perfume.
It's the only thing that makes me
Feel as good as you do.
Ever since we met,
I've got just one regret to live through.
And I regret never letting you know!

Ever since we met,
I only shoot up with your perfume.
It's the only thing that makes me
Feel as good as you do.
Ever since we met,
I've got just one regret to live through.
And that one regret is you.

Mona Lisa
Pleased to please ya
Mona Lisa
Pleased to please ya
Mona Lisa
Pleased to please ya



You are the hole in my head
You are the space in my bed
You are the silence in between
What I thought and what I said

You are the night-time fear
You are the morning when it's clear
When it's over your start

You're my head
You're my heart

No light, no light in your bright blue eyes
I never knew daylight could be so violent
A revelation in the light of day

You can choose what stays and what fades away
And I'd do anything to make you stay

No light, no light
No light

Tell me what you want me to say
Through the crowded islands
Crying out at me
In your place there were a thousand other faces

I will disappear in plain sight
Heaven help me
I need to make it right
You are the revelation
You are to get it right
And it's a conversation
I just can't have tonight

You want a revelation
Some kind of revolution
You are the revelation

No light, no light in your bright blue eyes
I never knew daylight could be so violent
A revelation in the light of day

You can choose what stays and what fades away
And I'd do anything to make you stay

No light, no light
No light

Tell me what you want me to say
But would you leave me,
If I told you what I've done

And would you leave me
If I told you what I've become
'Cause it's so easy,
To sing it to a crowd
But it's so hard, my love
To say it to you, all alone

No light, no light in your bright blue eyes
I never knew daylight could be so violent

A revelation in the light of day,
You can choose what stays and what fades away
And I'd do anything to make you stay

No light, no light
No light

Tell me what you want me to say
You are the revelation
You are to get it right
But, it's a conversation
I just can't have tonight
You are the revelation
Some kind of resolution.

You are the revelation.
You are the revelation
You are to get it right.

But, it's a conversation,
I just can't have tonight.
You are the revelation
Some kind of revolution
Tell me what you want me to say



Под землёй
Смолкли города
Детские глаза на дне
Не увидят облака
Звёзды из фольги
Смотрят изнутри на нас
Вопрос отражая – кто виноват?

Мир погиб на войне
Ни тебе и не мне

За окном стена
чёрная стена
И больше не в кого стрелять
Некуда бежать
Так боялись проиграть
что не догадались – не воевать



I'm gonna make it bend and break
(It sent you to me without wait)
Say a prayer but let the good times roll
In case god doesn't show
(Let the good times roll
Let the good times roll)

And I want these words to make things right
But it's for wrongs that make the words come to life
Who does he think he is?
If that's the worst you got, better put your fingers back to the keys

One night and one more time
Thanks for the memories
Even though they weren't so great
He tastes like you
Only sweeter
One night, yeah, one more time
Thanks for the memories
Thanks for the memories
See, he tastes like you
Only sweeter

Been looking forward to the future
But my eyesight is going bad
And this crystal ball
It's always cloudy
Except when you look into the past
One night stand
(One night stand)

One night and one more time
Thanks for the memories
Even though they weren't so great
He tastes like you
Only sweeter
One night, yeah, one more time
Thanks for the memories
Thanks for the memories
See, he tastes like you
Only sweeter

They say
«I only think in the form of crunching numbers
In hotel rooms
Collecting paycheck lovers»
Get me out of my mind
Get you out of those clothes
I'm a letter away
From getting you into the mood

One night and one more time
Thanks for the memories
Even though they weren't so great
He tastes like you
Only sweeter
One night, yeah, one more time
Thanks for the memories
Thanks for the memories
See, he tastes like you
Only sweeter

(One night, one more time)
One night and one more time
Thanks for the memories
Even though they weren't so great
He tastes like you
Only sweeter
One night, yeah, one more time
(One night, one more time)
Thanks for the memories
(For the memories)
Thanks for the memories
(For the memories)
See, he tastes like you
Only sweeter






[this is a song about the most beautiful city in the world - moskow]

Diese Stadt ist eine Dirne,
hat rote Flecken auf der Stirn'
Ihre Zahne sind aus Gold,
sie ist fett und doch so hold
Ihr Mund fallt mir zu Tale,
wenn ich sie dafur bezahle
Sie zieht sich aus doch nur fur Geld
Die Stadt die mich in Atem halt

MOSKAU (raz, dva, tri) [One, Two, Three]
MOSKAU (posmotri) [Look(like Look at that, not again)]
Pioneri tam i tut [Pioneers here and there]
Pesni Leninu poyut [singing to Lenin the songs]

Sie ist alt und trotzdem schon,
ich kann ihr nicht wiedersteh'n (ne mogu ustoyat') [i cant neglect]
Pudert sich die alte Haut,
hat sich die Bruste neu gebaut (postroila vnov') [builded again]
Sie macht mich geil,
ich leide Qualen
Sie tanzt fur mich,
ich muss bezahlen (ya dolzhen platit') [I must pay]
Sie schlaft mit mir,
doch nur fur Geld
Ist doch die schonste Stadt der Welt.. (poyehali!) [Let's roll!]

[Chorus: 2x]

(raz, dva, tri) [One, two, three]
Ich sehe was, was du nicht siehst [3x]
(Kogda ty nochyu krepko spish)[when you sleep soundly at night]
(Kogda ty predo mnoi lezhish) [when you lay next to me]
(Kogda so mnoju govorish) [when you talk with me]
Ich sehe was, das siehst du nie!
(raz, dva, tri) [One, two, three]






No need to explain, cuz I know your story
You’re making your claims to have the guts and glory
You’re sad, sad, sadly mistaken

Your steady mistakes give me a burning rush
We burn at the stake while you keep pressing your luck
You’re sad, sad, sadly mistaken

So let me make you familiar,
You say you’re going up, I beg to differ
I think you’re going straight on down, down, down
And your halo caught fire

I’m on a hunt, hunt for your chemicals
I got the lust, lust for the criminal in you
Trust, trust me, cuz I’ll be honest
You think you got it all, but I think you lost it
You’re a fake or a fraud, a bad one, naturally

We move at the sound of every single footstep
You’re laying it down as you sing yourself away
Your sad little songs tonight

So let me make you familiar
You say you’re going up, I beg to differ
And now you’re going down, down, down
And your halo caught fire

I’m on a hunt, hunt for your chemicals
I got the lust, lust for the criminal in you
Trust, trust me, cuz I’ll be honest
You think you got it all, but I think you lost it
You’re a fake or a fraud, a bad one, naturally

Save what you’re sayin
And who you’ve been
Cuz I’m about to make you tame

I’m on a hunt, hunt for your chemicals
I got the lust, lust for the criminal in you
Trust, trust me, cuz I’ll be honest
You think you got it all, but I think you lost it
You’re a fake or a fraud, a bad one, naturally
You’re a fake or a fraud, a bad one, naturally



You’ve heard that sound
Just from the ground
How long they’ve been in here
You’ve found the proof
That was the truth
Your dady’s face is on the way
People look into my face
I don’t care about it
You’ve found out
How you were born
They scare me

Disguise is not a word on my page
And I must be stronger than days before

It’s time for me
My sword and flame protect you
Just you can see the fire
We’re flying in the sky
No one blames you, No!
Forget your self abuse
Now we have grown and fast
Another chance to grasp the earth

Someday we’ll rest in peace
I say it’s not for real
One day it’s gonna be
Between me and creed
Between me and creed

It’s time for me
My sword and flame protect you
Just you can see the fire
We’re flying in the sky
No one blames you, No!
Forget your self abuse
Now we have grown and fast
Another chance to grasp the earth
Just from the ground
How long they’ve been in here

You’ve found the proof
That was the truth
Your dady’s face is on the way
People look into my face
I don’t care about it
You’ve found out
How you were born
They scare me



mistochco; написал(а):


это как на ютубе
"напишу что я гей, никто не заметит" и это в топ-коментах с овер9000 лайков .D



Understand the things I say
Don't turn away from me
Cause I spent half my life out there
You wouldn't disagree
D'you see me, d'you see
Do you like me, do you like me standing there
D'you notice, d'you know
Do you see me, do you see me
Does anyone care

Unhappiness, where's when I was young
And we didn't give a damn
Cause we were raised
To see life as a fun and take it
if we can
My mother, my mother she hold me
She hold me, when I was out there
My father, my father, he liked me
Oh he liked me, does anyone care

Understand what I've become
It wasn't my design
And people everywhere think
Something better than I am
But I miss you, I miss
Cause I liked it, I liked it
When I was out there
D'you know this, d'you know
You did not find me, you did not find
Does anyone care

Unhappiness, where's when I was young
And we didn't give a damn
Cause we were raised
To see life as a fun and take it
if we can
My mother, my mother she hold me
She hold me, when I was out there
My father, my father, he liked me
Oh he liked me, does anyone care

Does anyone care



(I'm an angel with a shotgun, shotgun, shotgun,
An angel with a shotgun, shotgun, shotgun...)

Get out your guns, battles begun,
Are you a saint, or a sinner?
If loves a fight, than I shall die,
With my heart on a trigger.

They say before you start a war,
You better know what you're fighting for.
Well baby, you are all that I adore,
If love is what you need, a soldier I will be.

I'm an angel with a shotgun,
Fighting til' the wars won,
I don't care if heaven won't take me back.
I'll throw away my faith, babe, just to keep you safe.
Don't you know you're everything I have?
... and I, wanna live, not just survive, tonight.

Sometimes to win, you've got to sin,
Don't mean I'm not a believer.
... and major Tom, will sing along.
Yeah, they still say I'm a dreamer.
They say before you start a war,
You better know what you're fighting for.
Well baby, you are all that I adore,
If love is what you need, a soldier I will be.

I'm an angel with a shotgun,
Fighting til' the wars won,
I don't care if heaven won't take me back.
I'll throw away my faith, babe, just to keep you safe.
Don't you know you're everything I have?
... and I, wanna live, not just survive, tonight.

Ooohhh, ooohhh whoa whoa oooh whoa

I'm an angel with a shotgun...
Fighting til' the wars won...
I don't care if heaven won't take me back...

I'm an angel with a shotgun,
Fighting til' the wars won,
I don't care if heaven won't take me back.
I'll throw away my faith, babe, just to keep you safe.
Don't you know you're everything I have?
(I'm an angel with a shotgun)
... and I, want to live, not just survive, tonight.
(Live, not just survive)

... and I'm gonna hide, hide, hide my wings tonight.

They say before you start a war,
You better know what you're fighting for.
Well baby, you are all that I adore,
If love is what you need, a soldier I will be.



aimer~, а я спешл фор аймир <3

Deaeta kiseki ni donna ketten mo
imi nai yo kimi wa
sono mama ga ichiban

Say! hey hey hey hey hey hey hey!
say! hey hey hey hey hey hey hey!!
Say! hey hey hey hey hey hey hey!
say! hey hey hey hey hey hey hey!!

Bokura wa heisei ONLY!
Shou De SHOW wa muni
acchi mo kocchi mo ii ne! HEY-SAY wa ii ne!
Konna ji dai de SORRY!
Mirai ni kitto yume ga aru kara saa sa
minna de tsuitekoi!

Tokimeku kimochi de EVERDAY hajime tare ii jya nai
ookina tsubasa ga areba hadaka de ii jya nai

Mita koto no nai sekai he yuuki wo dashite tobidasou
Kimi wo tsuredasu yo hazukashi ga razuni
ima futari kiri LOVE ga hora LOVE ga hora

Haruka na uchuu da hitotsu hikatta
kono hoshi ga bokura kagayaku STAGE
Deaeta kiseki ni donna ketten mo
imi nai yo kimi wa
sono mama ga ichiban

Hey hey hey hey hey hey hey!
say! hey hey hey hey hey hey hey!!
Say! hey hey hey hey hey hey hey!
say! hey hey hey hey hey hey hey!!

Hey! Say!
Doko made mo subete FIND A WAY!
futari dakedo yari katta de
deai mo eteru yo
mochi kakete mamoru
hanare nai yori dakishimeru
toki shimeru

Haruka na uchuu da hitotsu hikatta
kono hoshi ga bokura kagayaku STAGE
Deaeta kiseki ni donna ketten mo
imi nai yo kimi wa
sono mama ga ichiban

deai mo eteru yo
mochi kakete mamoru
hanare nai yori dakishimeru

Haruka na uchuu da hitotsu hikatta
kono hoshi ga bokura kagayaku STAGE
Deaeta kiseki ni donna ketten mo
imi nai yo kimi wa
sono mama ga ichiban

SAY!Bokura wa heisei ONLY!
Shou De SHOW wa muni
acchi mo kocchi mo ii ne! HEY-SAY wa ii ne!
Konna ji dai de SORRY!

Mirai ni kitto yume ga aru kara saa sa
minna de tsuitekoi!



Ну и дела
Когда всё в жизни кувырком
Из-за угла
Сверкнув, промчавшись с ветерком
Трамвай ушёл
Теперь пешком

Руки согреть
И дверь закрыв на два замка
Долго смотреть
В окно, считая облака
Сложить стихи в последний раз
Потом открыть на кухне газ

Ва-да-да-дай, ва-дай, ва-дай-дай ва-да-дай
Ва-да-да-дай, ва-да-да-да-дай, ва-дай-дай ва-да-дай

Сложить стихи в последний раз
Потом зажечь на кухне газ
Согреть вино
Позвать всех нас

С нами умрёт эта тайна
С нами умрёт эта страшная тайна
С нами умрёт эта страшная та-ай-на-а-а

С нами умрёт эта страшная тайна
С нами умрёт эта страшная та-ай-на-а-а






I can only hope it’s true enough
That every little thing I do for love
Redeems me from the moments I deem worthy
Of the worst things that I’ve done
It saves me from myself at times of envy when I’m missing everyone

If I wake in the morning I only need two more miracles to be a saint
Everything I promised everyone I’d be
Well I just ain’t

Lately it seems like everybody’s sick everybody’s tired
Built myself a wall of unhappy hearts
And only my heart knows my head is lying, lying
Oh glory, I think I see you round the bend
And I think I’d try any pose and get there in the end

Oh glory

When I’m looking past the silken sheets
Take a breath to notice I’m between
Every little piece of thread and memories that constitute your dreams

If I wake in the morning I only need two more miracles to be a saint
Everything I promised everyone I’d be
Well I just ain’t

Lately it seems like everybody’s sick everybody’s tired
Build myself a wall of unhappy hearts
And only my heart knows my head is lying, lying
Oh glory, I think I see you round the bend
And I think I’d try any pose and get there in the end

Oh glory

Oh glory, I think I see you round the bend
And I think I’d try any pose and get there in the end

Oh glory, I think I see you round the bend
And I think I’d try any pose and get there in the end

Lately it seems like everybody’s sick everybody’s tired
Build myself a wall of unhappy hearts
And only my heart knows my head is lying, lying
Oh glory, I think I see you round the bend
And I think I’d try any pose and get there in the end

Oh glory

Oh glory, I think I see you round the bend
And I think I’d try any pose and get there in the end



Risin' up back on the street,
Did my time, took my chances
Went the distance now I'm back on my feet
Just a man and his will to survive

So many times, it happens too fast,
You trade your passion for glory,
Don't lose your grip on the dreams of the past,
You must fight just to keep them alive

It's the Eye of the Tiger,
It's the thrill of the fight,
Rising up to the challenge of our rival,
And the last known survivor
Stalks his prey in the night,
And he's watching us all
With the Eye of the Tiger.

Face to face out in the heat,
Hangin' tough, stayin' hungry
They stack the odds still we take to the street
For the kill, with the skill to survive


Risin' up straight to the top,
Had the guts, got the glory
Went the distance, now I'm not gonna stop
Just a man and his will to survive


And the last known survivor
Stalks his prey in the night
And he's watching us all
With the eye of the tiger
The eye of the tiger
The eye of the tiger
The eye of the tiger



When the blood dries in my veins
And my, heart feels no more pain
I know, I'll be on my way
To heaven's door

I know when I'm not
I'll be hoping I don't drop
To a place where I will rise, like before

I can feel, something happening
That I've never felt before
Hopeless dreaming will start
Dragging me away from heavens door

When my mind stops thinking
And my eyes stop blinking
I hope...
Somebody's there

And my heart stops beating
And my lungs stop breathing
In air...
I hope somebody cares

When the blood dries in my veins
And my, heart feels no more pain
I know, I'll be on my way
To heaven's door

I know when I'm not
I'll be hoping I don't drop
To a place where I will rise, like before

I can feel, something happening
That I've never felt before
Hopeless dreaming will start
Dragging me away from heavens door

When my mind stops thinking
And my eyes stop blinking
I hope...
Somebody's there

And my heart stops beating
And my lungs stop breathing
In air...
I hope somebody cares

When my mind stops thinking
And my eyes stop blinking
I know...
At the end


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